Taken in the Night Read online

Page 12

  “So, Terian, you want the job?” Danial said, looking at Terian over steepled fingers.

  “Tell me what it entails,” Terian said seriously.

  “Protecting Sar, myself, and Elle at all costs, whatever it takes.” Danial replied.

  By the way he said it, he meant more than killing attackers; he meant ‘sacrificing your own life for one of ours if you have to.’ Terian was immortal, though. Even a blast at close range with a gun equipped to kill weres and vampires hadn’t killed him. I’d missed his heart, true, but not by much. Danial’s words likely didn’t give him the same chill they gave me.

  “I can do that,” he said, holding Danial’s gaze.

  “You would need to study tactics and do some weapons training,” Danial continued. “You would be second in command under me, not just for my business, but in terms of my family and home. You would assume control of the werefoxes and run the guard detail. You would need to travel with me on business, depending on the level of danger.”

  “Danial, I don’t have a lot of experience—” Terian began.

  “Neither did Theo, when I met him,” Danial said, interrupting. “He studied and learned a lot on his own. Some was trial and error. He wanted to do this so he did it. Do you?”

  Terian was silent for a few minutes. Danial watched him, a calculating look on his face.

  Finally, Terian broke the silence. “I can do all that.” He met Danial’s eyes with his red ones. “I will not kill for you, Danial, not for profit and not for justice. Self-defense is one thing, but murder is another. I know what Theo was, and I am not going to be an executioner.”

  Danial’s smile didn’t reach his eyes. “Theo said much the same thing to me when I offered him the job more than fifteen years ago, Terian. I’ll say to you now what I said to him then. The line blurs if you do this sort of thing enough.”

  Terian gave him a look of distaste.

  “So you don’t want the job?” Danial said.

  “I’ll take it,” Terian said coldly. “On one condition.”

  “What is that?” Danial said, equally cold.

  “Sar told me you aren’t pushing an oath on her this time. If that changes or she ever wants to leave, I expect you to honor your word. You aren’t going to keep her with you against her will, not with me around. Is that understood?”

  Danial’s face softened, as he looked at Terian with respect and a little admiration. “I would expect nothing less from you, Terian,” Danial said. He held out his hand, and they shook on it. “I would expect nothing less.”

  “What is the salary?”

  Danial named an astronomical salary. “That figure okay?”

  Terian flashed a smile. “More than sufficient. Does that include room and board?”

  “Room and sustenance goes with the job. Tell Suri your food preferences, and she’ll take care of it. Do you need any extra room besides a place to sleep?”

  “I’d like a lab set up, to stay current with my alchemy and sorcery.”

  “I have a room that can be converted. I’ll have the workmen do that as soon as they finish our new addition.” Danial handed him a stack of books. “Here is some beginning reading on military strategy and a few thinner books on weapons, primarily handguns, but also some assault rifles, and other weaponry. Can you start in two weeks?”

  “That will be fine. I need time to do the prep work and to get my stuff moved here.”

  Relieved, I watched them shake hands.

  * * * *

  I drove Terian back to my house after collecting Elle, thinking about the exchange. I hadn’t thought about Terian’s living arrangements. He’d be living on Danial’s property. The more I thought about it, the better I decided it was.

  “You’re quiet,” Terian said, glancing over at me. “We’re almost to your place and you haven’t said a word.”

  “Just relieved. I’ll feel safer, knowing you’re going to be around,” I said, giving Terian a smile.

  He gave me one back. “I appreciate Danial’s offer. I won’t be alone anymore; I’ll be with all of you. Thanks for setting this up.”

  I parked, and we both got out, Elle bounding out after me.

  I turned to Terian. “Thanks for agreeing,” I called. “Have a good trip home.”

  He waved, then started down the driveway in his truck.

  After he left, Elle and I got ready for bed. Resolving to get her some nightclothes as soon as possible, I quickly called Danial and thanked him again for offering Terian the job.

  “It is I who should be thanking you,” he said warmly. “Terian is an excellent choice. He has more than enough power and intelligence for the job.” His voice dropped an octave. “More importantly, I trust him completely. I know he will protect you and Elle, having seen first-hand what he did defending you the last time you were threatened.”

  Uneasy, I changed the subject. “How is the construction?”

  “Slow,” Danial said grumpily, “but I’m bringing in more help tomorrow. It will be done in another two weeks, come hell or high water. Pack whatever you are bringing a few days before. I’ll have Suri and Ivan come for you, Elle, and your pets.”

  “Will you be coming before then to visit? Elle was upset she couldn’t see you tonight.”

  “Tell her I missed her too,” he said lovingly. “Regrettably, no. I’m doing all I can to handle the addition and get business caught up. Put her on, I’d like to talk to her, just to say goodnight.”

  I called to Elle in the bedroom, my heart comforted that I was making the right decision.

  * * * *

  The day before we were set to leave, I packed up with Elle’s help. It was hard to know what to bring, but I brought everything I thought I’d need for the winter, deciding to leave the summer stuff here until I saw how much storage space Danial had.

  Next, I packed the food, all of it except the meat. Suri and Demetri, who had something going now, were coming to stay at my home this winter. They would look after my house. If we came back to stay sometimes in the spring, the house would be ready to be lived in.

  Lastly, I picked up the cougar from the mantle; the one Theo had carved for me. I handed it to Elle, and she took extra care packing it away in wrapping paper.

  “That’s everything,” I said. “Did you leave out clothes for the morning and pajamas?”

  “No pajamas,” Elle said, making a face.

  “I’ll grab something from my dresser,” I said. “Come, let’s go to bed. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day for both of us.”

  I opened the drawer to grab her a T-shirt and, instead, opened one of Theo’s drawers. Hands shaking, I picked up one of his shirts and smelled it. The scent of wide blue skies, forest, and prairie grass brought tears to my eyes.

  “Mom, are you okay?” Elle said worriedly. She ran to me and hugged me.

  “I’m okay, Elle.” I sat down on the bed and handed her the shirt I was holding. “Sniff.”

  She brought it to her nose and inhaled deeply, as she had seen me do. “What is it?” she said. “It smells good.”

  “That is what your father smelled like,” I said softly.

  “Mom, did you love him like you love Danial?”

  “More,” I said softly. “I loved him more.”

  “Can I keep this?” she said.

  “Yes,” I said. “Pack it in one of your boxes.”

  She carried it out of the room, still sniffing it. I pushed aside my robe and the box with the engagement ring Theo had gotten me and got another shirt from the drawer. I held it to my face, remembering him.

  Would I be over Theo before I reached the limit of clothes stored here that still held his smell? It seemed important somehow to preserve his scent, so I could return, pull out one of his shirts out, and remember him. Time invariably would make the scent of him fade. I took one last long breath, trying to commit the scent to memory. Then, I put the shirt back and closed the drawer.

  * * * *

  The next day, Elle and I move
d in with Danial.

  There was plenty of room now. Off the great room, next to his bedroom, was a small closet, and on the other side was Elle’s room. Facing it was a room for pet stuff and another room at the end of the short hallway for storage.

  “I’ve never heard of getting an addition up and finished in such a short time. This is perfect, Danial.”

  “Ruling has its perks,” Danial said arrogantly. He took my hand. “Come see what else I did for you.”

  He led me into his bedroom. He had added on a small living space with a woodstove for us off his bedroom. In his bathroom, there was now a Jacuzzi tub for two like the one at my house. The wardrobe I’d used was again in his room, along with a small dresser.

  “This is wonderful,” I said appreciatively. “Thanks for the dresser. I forgot to mention it.”

  “You brought more clothes this time,” he said meaningfully, “and it matched the new bed. Hopefully you brought your paint clothes, unless you want everything to remain white.” He gave me a teasing smile. “That is, if you’d like the job.”

  “We can get started on that tomorrow,” I said enthusiastically. “You know I like to paint.”

  “I do,” he said, hugging me. “Make yourself at home and alter what you like. If you need me, I’ll be in my study working.”

  The next day, Elle and I bought paint. The next week was spent painting the new rooms starting with hers, which we painted blue. I added clouds on the ceiling and helped her to put some grass on the bottom of the wall as a finishing touch. As soon as it was dry, Danial arranged delivery of a canopy bed, a vanity, her own TV, and a slew of videos.

  To balance Danial’s largesse, I made sure Elle had chores, such as vacuuming, doing dishes, and dusting, in addition to helping me paint the other rooms. Danial was set on spoiling her. That was okay, so long as she appreciated what she got. Mary was still working for Danial, but she was fast near retiring age and glad to give up some of her responsibilities to Elle.

  The pets, on the whole, adjusted well. Ghost and Darkness were ecstatic to be back at Danial’s house. Both dogs dove back into their old schedule of running with Ivan or Aran in the mornings and sleeping away the nights. Every day there was also a walk with me, short or far, as well. I’d ignored them last time and paid the price, both in them ceasing to see me as their pack leader and in losing their affection and trust.

  The cats took a little more time to get used to Danial’s home. Asher scratched a hole in the arm of the couch, upsetting me more than Danial. To make up for that, I sewed up slipcovers on the sewing machine I’d brought.

  Elle’s tutor showed up the second day, introducing himself as Bill. He began with an hour at a time, as she was uneasy being away from me at first. She adjusted quickly, and he took her for greater periods each day, a relief to me. Even though I loved her, spending all day with her every day wore me out. Also, I was needed elsewhere.

  I discovered that a week after we’d moved in, the first night Elle slept in her own room. I waited for Danial for an hour before coming upstairs to see what was keeping him.

  It was hard to see Theo’s desk, even with it cleared off in preparation for Terian’s arrival tomorrow. I averted my eyes to Danial, hunched in his chair.

  “Are you coming to bed?” I spoke gently.

  “I can’t, I’ve got too much to do,” he said wearily.

  I moved behind him and began massaging his shoulders. He groaned. I worked his muscles until his knotted shoulders had relaxed.

  “Thanks,” he said.

  “How can I help?’ I said.

  “I’d love if you filed a few of those finished cases,” he said hesitantly, indicating an overflowing box and the nearby filing cabinet.

  I was tired to begin with, but managed to get all his filing done and up to date within a few hours. Danial remained in front of the computer, typing and clicking rapidly.

  “It’s almost two,” I said flatly. “Come to bed. I’ll help you more in the morning.”

  “You go on,” he said. “I’ll make a list for you and be right down. I’m beat.”

  Danial joined me sometime before dawn, not waking me. In the morning, he was sleeping soundly, dead to the world. After Elle went to her lessons, I took the list he’d left me and got to work.

  Over the next week, together with Terian, we started to make headway. At night, Danial did the correspondence, programming, and conference calls only he could do. During the days, I updated the office billing and various secretarial tasks that had lapsed. After a few days, the work was caught up enough so Terian and Danial began work on the new, more pressing cases.

  A few days before Danial’s party, Solutions, Inc. work was current enough I convinced Danial to take a night off.

  “Terian’s in his lab,” I said temptingly, “and Elle’s in bed. Want to join me in the tub?”

  “No,” Danial said seductively. “Put one of your silk shifts on for me, the red one.”

  I looked at him in surprise. “I didn’t know you still had them.”

  “They were yours,” Danial replied easily. “Of course I kept them.”

  “I thought you gave them away,” I said delicately.

  “Come here,” he said, chastising me. He took my hand and drew me near. “The truth is Angelica saw your robe on the back of my door and asked to wear it. In a fit of anger, I told her she could have it. I was disgusted she was so petty as to want it.”

  How petty had he thought me when I’d shown up and demanded it back? I flushed red.

  “I want you to forget what happened before and here I am dredging it all up,” he grumbled. “I shouldn’t have—”

  I put my finger to his lips. “If you’d like me to wear it and you have it, I’d be glad to. Tell me where they are, and I’ll get them.”

  “On the back of our bathroom door,” he said hesitantly. “In the large garment bag.”

  I went down and unzipped the bag, lifting out the clothes he’d bought me almost a year ago now. Some jeans, a few sweaters, and the two silk shifts, along with a bunch of sexy underwear, most of which I’d worn once, if at all. I put everything away in the wardrobe and dresser, laid the red shift on the bed, and then went to fold away the garment bag. Something was in the bottom, weighing down one side.

  I opened the bag to find a familiar red velvet box. Inside was the ring Danial had given me when I’d gone with him to Switzerland. He hadn’t given it to Angelica as he’d said cruelly to me once. He’d kept it all along.

  I blinked back tears. I’d made Danial out to be a villain in the saga of Theo and me. It had been easier to consider him that way; to not care I was hurting him, to forget I loved him.

  I took out the ring and put it on.

  Chapter Five

  I undressed and slipped on the red silk shift. Then I quickly fluffed my hair and got in bed, striking a seductive pose. Danial came in a few moments later, pausing in the doorway to look at me.

  He moved fast, shedding his clothes and climbing into bed, his kisses eager and excited. I kissed him back hungrily, rubbing my body against his. Danial let out a groan, then rolled me on top of him. Holding me by my hips, he moved into position and thrust into me. I let out a loud cry, throwing back my head as I moved on him with abandon. He let out another groan, this one almost pained. I looked down at him, his eyes black with lust, his lips parted, fangs bared slightly. I kissed him, and he opened his mouth wide on mine, his tongue teasing my lips. I let out a moan and slid my tongue into his mouth in response. His hands tightened on my hips as he thrust faster.

  I came quickly, screaming his name. Before I’d finished, he rolled me over on my stomach and covered my body with his. Grabbing both my hands in his, Danial held me to the mattress as he pounded himself into me, his movements rapidly quickening. Abruptly, he stopped.

  I turned slightly, looking up as him. “What is it?”

  He raised my hand, the diamond sparkling on my finger. “Why are you wearing this?”

�m sorry,” I said softly. “I found it in the bag.”

  He withdrew, moving his body so he was lying beside me and didn’t speak.

  I sat up and moved to take off the ring, but Danial stopped me. “You don’t have to take it off, Sar. I just was taken aback to see it on your finger.”

  I sighed and took it off anyway, placing it on the nightstand. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I did.” I paused. “That’s a lie. I did it because I wanted to give you me, the way I was when we were first together and we were happy. Before everything happened.”

  “I don’t want you as you were,” Danial said gently, hugging me. “I want you as you are, right now, and how you’ll be tomorrow, and the day after, and next year, and the time that comes after. We can be happy now, Sar, if you’ll let me make you happy.” He took the ring and gently placed it again on my finger. “Please wear it always, even if it’s not on your ring finger.”

  He went to kiss me, but I stopped him. “Wait.”

  Danial looked at me, the old wariness back in his eyes. “What?”

  “Am I right in thinking your annual party is this weekend?”

  “Yes, on Saturday night. You and Elle should sleep all day and night before it to make sure you are able to make it through.”

  “You want Elle to attend?” I said surprised.

  “Do you think we can stop her?” he said, rolling his eyes.

  “No,” I replied. “She can be persistent, and I don’t see any harm in it.”

  “Why do you ask about this now?” he said carefully.

  “I still intend to ask Samuel a few questions,” I said just as carefully. “Discreetly, I promise. He will expect you have marked me, as you told him you were going to. I think you should.”

  “I can,” Danial replied, “but it will hurt. I’m going to have to be very careful with you now we’re together again. My blood is a lot more powerful than it was. Though I can still drink from you, I’m not going to be able to heal you like I used to. My taking your blood will have to be shallow cuts, and the mark will have to be shallow as well—”