Taken in the Night Read online

Page 4

  “You and me both,” I retorted. “Thank God the choker worked for me.”

  “How did you manage that?” Danial said curiously, sitting up and examining the back of my choker. “I thought you’d wired it together under your hair.”

  “That’s what Samuel thought, too, probably, but I got it to fasten by imagining it weaving itself together, binding the two sides into one.”

  “You should not have had the power to make it fasten by yourself, just as you should not be able to remove it,” Danial said. “I’ll want to try something with you later on.”

  “Sure,” I agreed. “Now where are we going?”

  “Hyde.” Soon the limo stopped. “We’re here,” Danial said, offering me his hand.

  I didn’t take it. “Isn’t it dangerous? Shouldn’t we go somewhere else—?”

  “Sar, we have to make an appearance here tonight so he has no reason to take offense. He is Ruler of Europe, and it is customary when one Ruler enters the territory of another to let him know. It is not a surprise he wanted to meet me now I have become a member of the ruling class.” He sighed. “Besides, this was our planned destination anyway.”

  Reluctantly, I gave Danial my hand and followed him to the head of the line. We showed the bouncer the card. He didn’t even ask us for the admission charge. He just opened the gate and let us inside.

  The place was huge. There was a central bar area at least a few thousand square feet. Two staging areas for bands in different rooms were off either side, each with a live band playing. Danial and I gravitated towards the softer music, and, again, he showed the hostess at the door our card. We were quickly escorted to a private table overlooking the dance floor and the stage. Thirty seconds later, a server came to ask us what we wanted. I ordered a glass of Shiraz, and Danial declined. Yet when the server returned in a few minutes with a glass of Shiraz for me, she had a pretty woman in tow, dressed in a simple black party dress. The server put the glass of wine in front of me, and the woman sat down next to Danial.

  I sipped my wine. Whatever brand it was, it was excellent―very full-bodied, with currants and berries, and an exceptional finish. I sat back, savoring it, as I watched Danial. All his attention was focused on the woman.

  “Why are you here?” he said to her. The words were a question, but his voice implied he already knew the answer.

  “You know why, sir,” she replied, neither sarcastic nor light.

  “What is your name?” he said, bloodlust and interest in his tone.

  “You don’t need to know—” she began in that same respectful, yet firm tone.

  “I will know beforehand, and you will tell me,” Danial said arrogantly. “Now.”

  “Jeannette,” she said, meeting his eyes. She offered him her open hand. “As much as you need.”

  By the way she said it so casually, this was her job. Samuel or one of his men had sent her to us so Danial would not have to bother hunting tonight. It was thoughtful, yet creepy, at least to me.

  Danial was grateful, but also wary. “Are you safe?” he asked. “I sense you were bitten recently. I’m sure you know there are still some diseases that can affect me, if an infected vampire bit you within the last twenty four hours.”

  “Any health information you would like to see is on file here,” Jeannette said. “The manager can show you any paperwork you require. We are checked after each donation that involves physical contact.” She smiled prettily. “And for you, my Lord, I was checked twice.”

  Danial pulled her to her feet and backed her against the nearest wall, his palms flattened on either side of her. Without preamble, he bit deeply into her throat. Instantly, her head went back against the wall, her eyes closing as he moved against her, swallowing Her arms pulling him closer. She writhed against him as he held her to the wall, swallowing her down. Ten minutes later he stopped and stepped back from her. Jeannette was barely conscious. He hadn’t healed her wound, and the bite was weeping blood steadily.

  Two men appeared from a service door nearby and supported her. One immediately bandaged the bite, pressing down to stop the bleeding. “We’ll take care of her, sir,” they said to Danial. They helped her walk to the service door nearby, the door shutting behind them without a sound.

  Danial sat back down. His pale skin shone in the darkness, almost radiant. He looked over at me, his expression teasing and just a touch seductive. “Did you enjoy watching?”

  I’d been so riveted I’d forgotten to breathe and was practically writhing in my seat for wanting him. My eyes had to be dark forest green with lust. I cleared my throat. “Why didn’t she feel pain? She acted like the women in the movies act, when they’re bitten.”

  “She’s ultra-sensitive to whatever it is that relieves pain in my saliva,” Danial murmured softly. “So much so my bite gives her intense pleasure and no pain. Some women are like that.”

  “Ah,” I said, trying to keep the envy out of my words.

  “But we didn’t come here to talk about donors,” Danial whispered, standing and offering me his hand. “Dance with me, Sar.”

  I took it, a tremor going through my hand when I touched him.

  We went down the stairs to the stage with the softer music and began to slow dance. There were no songs I recognized, but the melody was happy, light, and easy to move to. It helped Danial knew what he was doing on a dance floor. I was still breathing harder than I should’ve been, and I kept my eyes lowered so he wouldn’t see my desire.

  “You seem ill at ease,” Danial asked inquiringly. “Is it being alone with me?”

  It was imagining being alone with him, not with people surrounding us, but somewhere else, quiet and dark. Quickly, I asked him a question that had nothing to do with my feelings for him. “Where was Lander tonight? Why wasn’t he outside the door? He could’ve warned me—”

  “It’s my fault,” he said grudgingly. “I’d told him he could have the night off, knowing I’d be with you to keep you safe. He wasn’t supposed to leave until I’d arrived.” Danial paused, though we kept moving to the music. “I didn’t expect Samuel to come looking for me.”

  “How old is he? More importantly, can we trust him?”

  “He’s easily as old as I am, most likely almost double my age. He’s strong because of that. Devlin’s blood gave me more power than I had, but Samuel is still more powerful than I am.” He leaned in closer. “It is good you brought the choker with you.”

  “It was Theo’s idea.” I felt suddenly guilty, wondering if he was still in the hospital. Then I thought of him sitting by Tawny’s bedside and angrily put them both out of my mind.

  “I think it’s true what Samuel says, because if he wanted something from us, he could take it,” Danial answered. “He wouldn’t need to ask. I trust that he wants the justice he spoke of, but that is as far as we’ll trust him. I wouldn’t call on him if we needed help.” Danial paused. “You won’t be coming on any more trips with Theo and me,” he continued firmly. “Not outside my territory. I will not allow it, no matter the reason.”

  I protested, even though secretly, I was relieved. “You have no power over me to tell me where I can and can’t go.”

  “It’s too dangerous, Sar. I forbid it,” Danial said arrogantly.

  I pushed him away and looked up angrily into his eyes. “Who are you to forbid me—?”

  Danial blinked once, his arrogance vanishing, his lips parting slightly.

  He’d seen the desire in my eyes. I looked down again immediately.

  Danial took one hand and tilted my head up to look at him. “I’m a man who loves you.” Then he leaned in fast, pressing his soft lips hard to mine, his one hand running down my back to pull my lower body against him while the other went around my shoulders and crushed me against his chest.

  I knew it was wrong, but I wanted him so badly in that moment. If we had been alone, I would’ve given myself to him. I wanted him, all of him, his body sliding against mine, inside mine, to scream out his name, as I drowned i
n pleasure of his making. Most of all, I wanted to hear his cry of release as he climaxed, to know I was the one who had given that pleasure to him.

  I put all that wanting into the kiss and gave it to Danial, my tongue caressing his. He clutched me to him tighter, devouring me, his breaths coming fast.

  “Get a room, you two,” someone said sarcastically. Laughter followed.

  I flushed redder than my dress, breaking the kiss. Danial turned in anger with red-tinted eyes, but the person had already passed by, lost in the crowd. The song had ended, and we were alone on the dance floor.

  The moment had been broken.

  Still flushing, I took Danial’s hand and led him back to our seats. I sat down heavily in my chair, and Danial sprawled in his own, leaning back as he studied me.

  “This is another reason why it’s not a good idea for you to come with us, Sar,” Danial said. “It’s one thing if we say hello now and again, but when we spend any amount of time together—”

  “I know,” I said, looking over at him. “I get it. You’re right, Danial. I’m sorry.”

  Alarm flashed across his face. “Come to me. Now.” He beckoned to me.

  Afraid, I scrambled up and went to him. He pulled me down to sit in his lap, grazing me gently with his fangs. “Trust me,” he whispered and said louder, “Just a little bite, Love?”

  “Later,” I managed, trying to sound sexy and still cover my terror. “You know I’m shy in public.”

  “I hope you’ve been having a good time,” a courteous voice said.

  I looked up, startled. Samuel was back, sitting in my chair. I hadn’t even heard him approach. I leaned in closer to Danial.

  “We’ve had a great time,” Danial said, inclining his head. “I appreciate Jeannette, and Sar thanks you for the wine.”

  I parted my lips to say I did have a voice of my own, then decided to keep quiet. Danial knew what he was doing. This was not the time to open my big mouth, not to Samuel.

  “I saw you two on the dance floor,” Samuel chuckled, his tone indicating he had seen the steamy kiss. “How long have you been together?”

  “Almost nine months now,” Danial lied smoothly.

  If we had stayed together, that's how long it would’ve been. I squeezed Danial’s hand, touched he knew that.

  “I see how much she wants you, Danial,” Samuel said. He looked expectantly at me.

  Danial nudged me. I realized with a rush of panic I was supposed to say something.

  “I’ve wanted him since I first saw him,” I said softly, hoping it was the kind of thing Samuel expected me to utter.

  Samuel nodded. “You love him very much?”

  Again, Danial nudged me.

  “I will never stop loving him,” I replied. “He is part of me.” I looked up at Danial, letting everything I usually hid inside show itself in my face. His face softened, and he kissed my lips once more.

  Samuel nodded again. “Cherish her, Danial. You will not find someone else like her easily again, if ever. Not in today’s age where tradition means so little.”

  “I understand that all too well,” Danial said, his whisper tormented.

  Samuel stood then, and we both turned our heads to look at him.

  “I’m off to handle some business in Spain, but I wish you both the best. My thanks again to you for your help in the Jonas murder. If you are ever in town, Danial, you have a standing invitation here, for both entertainment and nourishment. It’s the least two such as we can do for one another.”

  Danial thanked him, and Samuel walked away.

  I grabbed for my wine and drained the glass.

  “Shh,” Danial said, hugging me. “He’s gone. Once I can’t feel his presence any longer, we’ll leave.”

  “Danial, I—” I started.

  He lifted me to my feet and then stood. “If you can walk now, we should go back to the hotel. I can’t take any more tonight,” Danial said heavily.

  We walked out of the club, got in the limo, and rode back to the hotel in silence. When we arrived, Lander was back at his post. Danial didn’t say a word, just went into his room and shut the door. I took off my dress and stuffed it into my suitcase. I put the earrings in there as well. The choker I left on, remembering Danial’s promise to Samuel. Then I took a long shower, washing away the scent of Danial and of my own feelings for him. If only my emotions could be washed away so easily…

  I dressed in a nightgown and robe and then removed all traces of makeup. Finally, I couldn’t put it off any longer. I went and knocked at Danial’s door. “Danial?”

  “Sar, I can’t see you right now.” Danial’s voice was full of sadness mixed with bitterness and longing.

  “You said there was something you wanted to try. Besides, I’d like the choker off.”

  “You heard Samuel. We spent considerable effort convincing him you’re off limits. Until we leave, you should wear it.”

  I imagined Theo coming home and finding me wearing it. He’d go ballistic. “You said there was something you wanted to try,” I said, persistent.

  There was only silence, though I repeated myself several times. After a while, I went away. I slept briefly on the sofa, wanting to hear the phone if Theo called.

  Danial awakened me near dawn by touching me on the shoulder. “Did Theo call?” he said apprehensively.

  “No,” I said, my worried tone echoing his. “Can you try his cell?”

  Danial dialed quickly. Relief flooded through me when Theo picked up almost immediately.

  “Are you coming back before dawn?” Danial asked. He listened for a while. “There is someone else here who needs to speak to you,” and handed me the phone.

  “Sar,” Theo said. “How was your night? Did you go out and have fun?”

  “I’ll tell you all about it when you get here,” I replied, stalling. “Will you be a while yet?”

  “I should be there soon,” Theo said. “Tawny is stable now, and she’s awake.”

  “That’s good,” I said, trying to mean it.

  “I’ll see you then,” Theo said and hung up.

  I turned off the phone and handed it back to Danial. “Thanks.”

  “Sar, come here,” Danial said, sitting down on the couch. “Now, try to take the choker off.”

  “I can’t,” I said, sitting down next to him. “You know that, Danial.”

  Months ago, I’d tried to take off the choker myself. The more I pulled on it, the more it had seemed to tighten around my neck.

  “Don’t pull on it. Do what you did when you put it on and think about the strand ends coming undone.”

  I did as he asked. Nothing happened.

  “Concentrate, Sar,” Danial said patiently.

  I concentrated, willing the stands to unlock, imagined them pulling apart. With a sliding sound and a metal clink, the choker fell off into my lap. I looked immediately at Danial, my eyes wide. His were shocked as well.

  “How is it possible?” I said, reaching out to pick up the necklace.

  “I don’t know,” Danial said, thinking hard by his expression. “Try to put it on again.”

  I tried, and again, the ends slid together, meshing quickly. I tried to take it off again, and this time it unclasped much faster. This was good. If I needed to wear the choker, I could, and I could take it off when I wanted to.

  “It must be my blood, Sar. The blood I gave you two nights ago,” Danial said thoughtfully. “That is the only thing it could be, but it was only a few drops—”

  “Your blood is more powerful now,” I reasoned. “How much does it take to turn someone?”

  “I have never heard of this happening before,” Danial said quietly, taking my hand. “You should not be able to work the choker in any case, not even if I turned you. Devlin’s blood was old, and it made me more powerful. I seemed to have passed some of that power onto you. I can’t say whether it will be a permanent change or not, but I’m guessing not—”

  “So long as I’m not turning,” I said u

  “I’d have to take a lot more of your blood for that to happen,” Danial assured me. He hugged me tightly. “This doesn’t mean you are turning, don’t worry—”

  The door opened suddenly, and Theo entered. As before, he looked haggard, which quickly shifted to suspicion. “Am I interrupting?” he said flatly.

  “We’ve had a bad night, so don’t start,” I said coolly. “A Vampire Ruler’s been on our asses all night, and we had to playact.”

  “So long as that’s all it was,” Theo said, yawning. “Danial, everything has been arranged.” He sat down in a nearby chair. “Elle is ready to go, and her paperwork has been completed, saying she came from a private breeder in Germany, and is headed to a wildlife refuge in the Northeast. We can pick her up anytime, if you handled the plane.”

  “Yes, it’s arranged. Bring her here tomorrow,” Danial said, rising.

  Theo hugged Danial quickly. “Thank you.”

  “I can finish everything I need to do here by the night after next,” Danial said, returning the hug and then stepping back. “We can leave later that night.” He headed toward his room.

  Theo called out “I thought you had another meeting on Friday?”

  “Like she said, it’s been a bad night,” Danial said heavily, not turning around. “I already canceled the meeting on Friday earlier tonight. We’ll do it by conference call.” Danial shut the door of his bedroom behind him.

  Theo gave me a suspicious look. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into our room. He sat me on the bed none too gently and sat beside me.

  “Spill it, Sar.”

  “Why don’t you shower, and then I’ll—”

  Theo pushed me back on the bed and leaned over me, pinning my shoulders to the mattress. “Now, Sar,” he growled at me. “Tell me right now.”

  I told him the whole story, downplaying the kissing part, but repeating the words I’d said to Samuel about my feelings for Danial. Theo was angry about what had happened, but not with either of us. He was angry with Samuel for putting us in a position where we’d had to act as though we were a couple to keep me safe.