Taken in the Night Page 9
“He found out about Tawny and Theo?”
“He may not have known Theo by sight, but he knew who Tawny had been stepping out with those nights she wasn’t home. He had to have known for some time, he arranged for this setup months ago—”
“So who killed him and planted Theo’s stuff on him?” I interrupted.
“Sar, if I knew that, I’d be able to tell you what happened,” Danial said in exasperation.
“I’m sorry, Danial, please go on,” I said, chastened.
“My guess is Will knew Theo would be coming for revenge when we got away at the airstrip. He went to Peterson and got one of the prototype guns. He waited until we’d finished with Peterson and were leaving. Then he confronted Theo, and Theo shot him.”
“Theo would never have shot him in the back,” I said, horrified.
“Yes, he would have. Theo was practical, Sar. He would not have wanted to look over his shoulder for the next fifty years or put you and Elle in any danger. We went there that night to ensure we’d all be left alone. That means you kill everyone, not just the ones who shoot at you.”
“I understand that,” I said softly. “It’s just repugnant to me.”
“You’d be a little less ethical if you’d been hunted yourself,” Danial said darkly. “I hope you never are, but this is the real world.” He paused.
“It means someone else was there waiting for Theo that night. They captured him somehow after he shot Will. They took the ring from him, his phone, and wallet and planted them on Will’s body. Then they kept him. Whoever it was either has him or has killed him.”
“For what purpose?” I asked. “Wouldn’t they have gained more by asking for a ransom from you?”
“I don’t know the purpose,” Danial said. “Ransom would have been the most lucrative, yes, but they didn’t want me to know he was alive, so that’s out. It makes no sense at all. I keep wishing Theo were here to help me. I counted on his planning skills so many times, on his ideas and conclusions.” His voice broke a little at the end.
Tears slid down my face. I’d counted on Theo. too. He’d always had a plan, or some logical place to start one. He’d helped me prepare for anything and everything I’d ever had to face, except losing him.
I wiped at my eyes. “Could it have been Peterson? You said he wanted to test the guns he was making.”
“He’s officially out of the weapons business,” Danial said darkly. “His team who designed his guns are dead. I personally destroyed his plans, all of them, including infecting his company computer with a malicious virus that wiped everything in the database.”
“He could start again—”
“He’s a drained husk,” Danial said, sneering. “He won’t be starting anything ever again.”
“Oh,” I said softly, chilled.
“You should know something else, Sar,” Danial added. “Will did kill Tawny. I spoke to the druggist who made him the potion. He said Will had told him it was for an old dog he had that was failing, to ensure a quick death.”
Horrible as that was, I didn’t care at all about Tawny. “What will you do now?” I said. “There seem to be no leads left to follow.”
“I’m coming home, Sar,” Danial said, thick with emotion. “I’ve done everything I can here. Samuel’s promised to notify me, if any news of a werecougar reaches him.”
“Come and see us when you are rested,” I said sadly. “I’ve missed you.”
“I miss you too, Sar. I’ll be there next week to see you and Elle.”
I hung up, feeling terrible. My hopes had been dashed by Danial’s failure. Worse, I couldn’t even mourn Theo, when everything pointed to him being alive somewhere, captive.
I sat before the fire with Elle, resisting the urge for a glass of wine. I had to be strong for her; I couldn’t be drunk or even tipsy.
“Danial’s coming to see you next week,” I said to Elle softly.
She looked at me curiously.
“You met him when you were first born,” I said. “You might not remember him by sight, but you’ll remember his scent.”
Elle nodded, then bared her fangs in a grin.
“Time for bed,” I said. “Do you need to go out?”
Elle shook her head.
“Go into bed then,” I said. “I’ll be in after getting the dogs settled.”
Elle nodded and trotted off to the bedroom.
I watched her go, letting worry creep back into my face. In this last week, our finances had gone from bad to worse. I’d forgotten we owed the workmen for the updated plumbing, the new roof, and the kitchen remodeling they’d done a few months ago. Theo had been going to settle up with the contractors when we’d returned from Europe. I’d left it to him to handle and hadn’t given it another thought. They’d finally come calling, irate, one after the other. I’d paid everyone off, but it had taken the rest of my savings. I needed money for next month’s bills, especially for Elle’s food. She had graduated from a steak a day to a roast and a chicken two times a day. Suri had taught her to catch mice in her time with us, but that was more a learned skill than a way to keep Elle fed. When he came, I needed to ask Danial about the money of Theo’s. Hopefully, there would be enough to last the winter. Well behaved as she was, I didn’t want to leave Elle alone for hours until she was older.
* * * *
Finally, it was Halloween.
I had made Elle a little costume, a cape and a tiara. She liked it, preening as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. I laughed and took her picture with my camera as she posed.
Later on, I made some popcorn and tossed pieces to Elle as she lay beside me. We were watching a bad Sci-Fi movie about a town that got flooded, and its residents were evil monsters. It was bad, but in a comforting way. I’d had a scary enough life lately. I didn’t want to watch anything that was going to make me truly afraid.
There was a knock at the door. I got up to answer it and found Danial standing there. He looked the same, still beautiful, with just a trace of arrogance.
I smiled at him. “Come in.”
He did, handing me his coat. “I didn’t call, but I figured you’d be home.”
Elle had followed me to the door along with the dogs. The dogs welcomed him, tails wagging, but Elle hung back, her eye watchful.
Danial kneeled down. “Hi, Elle. Do you remember me?”
She slowly inched forward, stretched out her head, her eyes wary, and sniffed him. Then she bounded to him, almost knocking him over in her urge to rub against him, purring loudly. He hugged her close and looked up at me, tears in his eyes.
I wiped at my filling eyes. “Come into the living room.”
Danial picked Elle up, all hundred plus pounds of her and followed me into the living room. “Are you watching another of those awful movies?” he said with a smile, setting her down.
“Want to kill a few more brain cells with me?” I offered.
“Sure.” He smiled and sat down. Elle quickly sprawled on his lap, taking up most of the couch, so I squeezed into the small section on the other side of him.
The movie was awful, but we had a good time laughing about it. When it was over, I told Elle it was time for bed, to go into the bedroom.
She shook her head, then pointedly looked at the woodstove.
That meant she wanted to spend tonight out here in the woodstove room instead of with me. More and more, she was distancing herself from me at night. I didn’t know if it was because she liked the heat or because she was getting too old to sleep with me.
“Okay,” I said, “but you have to go to sleep. No sneaking out and watching TV.”
She nodded and then curled up. I fed the fire one last time, then turned to Danial, standing by the door.
“I should go,” Danial said reluctantly. “It’s late.”
I stopped him, my hand on his arm. “Please, stay with me a little while.”
“Sar—” he began warily.
“Please, Danial. I have to talk to you. Come w
ith me.” I held out my hand.
He sighed and took my hand. I led him below to the bedroom that had been his not long ago. Danial sat on the edge of the bed with me.
“She understands us,” I said quietly. “I didn’t want to talk in front of her.”
“What is it, Sar?” he said tiredly.
“You remember the Hallows party a year ago?”
“Of course,” Danial said with longing. “I remember being so nervous, worried you wouldn’t show. I remember how you looked in the dress, dancing with me.” He paused. “Why do you bring it up?”
“Because you must be going to have another one soon, unless you’re skipping this year.”
“Yes, in late November,” Danial said edgily. “I closed the business while looking for Theo and am going to reopen it next year. I need the last months of this year to finish up loose ends of old business.” He sighed. “I also need to hire someone to replace Theo, if such a thing can be done.”
“I want to be there, Danial,” I said. “If you would permit me to come.”
“I had hoped you would,” Danial said, kissing me gently on the forehead. “I wanted to invite you, but wasn’t sure you’d want to—”
“I know you will invite Samuel,” I said forcefully. “I want to question him about Theo—”
His eyes tinted red immediately. “Sar, that is not what I had in mind. I have already talked to him. He said he did nothing.”
“I don't believe him, Danial. You weren’t there when he and Theo had words.”
“That doesn’t matter,” he retorted. “He is a Ruler. You cannot question him as if he were a mere human.”
“I certainly can—”
“Sar, I forbid it,” Danial said arrogantly, grabbing hold of me, “and that’s the end of it.”
“Who are you to forbid me anything?” I said furiously.
“I’m a man who loves you,” he said furiously and kissed me hard, pulling the length of his body against mine as we fell backwards onto the bed.
I struggled, but he kissed me more thoroughly, his lips and body cool against mine. I shuddered in his arms, the feeling of being held and desired making me weak with relief and happiness.
Danial moved, rolling me from my side unto my back, his kisses intensifying. He shifted suddenly, pressing down with his hips. I felt his erection pressing firmly to my belly and shuddered, My mouth opened to let out a gasp. He saw the opportunity and took it, sliding his tongue into my mouth to taste me. I trembled and then kissed him back for all I was worth.
Danial broke the kiss, his black eyes staring at me beneath him as he pulled off his shirt. I arched my back, pulling my sweater off over my head. All I’d needed to do was kiss him. I wanted him so badly I could taste it.
He pulled off my jeans and underwear with one quick tug. I unbuttoned his pants, but he pushed me back and pulled down his jeans, yanking them off in a swift jerk. I unhooked my bra, tossed it aside, and then he was on me, thrusting into me with a loud eager cry before covering my mouth with his own. Then he drew back to watch me under him, my body moving with his as I groaned with pleasure.
I couldn’t get enough of him. I clutched him close, my mouth devouring his, my eager cries of pleasure sounding with each thrust of his body into mine.
He broke the kiss and pushed up with his forearms, his fangs bared. I reached up with one hand to clasp the back of his neck loosely, then looked into his eyes and nodded once. I threw my head back, baring my neck for him, and he struck fast, sinking his fangs into the unmarked side. I cried out in pain, and he shuddered, beginning to make the soft cries of pleasure I loved to hear as his movements intensified. Hearing him, feeling him jerking within me, pushed me over the edge.
“Danial! Oh, Danial! Danial!” I came screaming his name.
Danial climaxed, his wordless shout matching mine in volume. He squeezed me tightly, his body giving a few last jerks. When our breathing quieted, he spoke. “You have never said my name before, Sar,” he said tenderly.
“That is only one of my regrets,” I said gently, kissing him. “There is a lot I’m sorry for with you, Danial.”
He looked at me in surprise, blinking.
“I’m sorry,” I said quickly. “What I’m trying to say is I should not have left you like I did. I should have stayed with you to work it out. It wasn’t your fault, what happened to me or to our baby. You did the best you could, Danial. I’m sorry.”
He hugged me. “No, I didn’t, Sar. I should never have pushed you, should never have made so many demands. I wanted you like I hadn’t wanted anything in so long. All I thought about was having you with me, making you mine. When you said you needed more time, I wasn’t willing it give it to you. I never thought much about the life you had until you met me. I thought too much about what I wanted and what I thought was best for you.” He paused. “I should never have bedded Angelica. I did it out of jealousy, out of loneliness, because I knew how you felt about her, and I knew it would hurt you.”
He was right about all of it, but I had something to apologize for, too. “I never should have slept with Theo, either, Danial, not the way I did.” I let out a long breath. “I should have waited to talk to you, to give you the ring face to face. I owed you that at least. I should have called you on your cell the night I saw Angelica and asked you, if only to hear it from you, if what she said was true. I was hurt, and all I wanted was to get away.” I looked into Danial’s eyes. “Did Theo tell you what happened to us, what really happened?”
“Yes,” he admitted. “One night in June, I finally asked him to his face how he could have done to me what he had done. He told me everything.” Danial paused. “It matters to me that you stopped him that night on New Year’s Eve. Even though you were half in love with him, you still stopped him, because you had given your word to me.” He kissed me then and sighed contentedly. I settled into his arms.
“Sar, what did you want to talk about?” he said finally. “Or was that an excuse to get me down here?” He hugged me closer. “Not that I mind at all, if it was.”
I did not want to talk about money now, not like this, but I thought of Elle upstairs and knew I had to. “Danial, you know I quit my job.” I began, hoping he would help me by guessing what I had to say.
He hugged me, but didn’t say anything.
Well, there was no subtle way to say this. I might as well be blunt. “I need access to Theo’s money, for Elle and me. I’ve gone through my savings, and I don’t want to leave her—”
Danial moved back abruptly, pushing me on my back. “You mean all this time you’ve been subsisting on your own money?” he said furiously. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Yes, I—”
“Why didn’t you say something, Sarelle? I thought you were thinner than I remembered you being.”
My eyes were filling. “Danial—”
“What do you think the money was for? It was for you and Elle, if something happened to him. He put it in both your names.”
“He never told me how to access it,” I sobbed, tears leaking out of my eyes. “Maybe he planned to, after we got married, but he never got the chance—”
Danial shushed me, stroking my hair. “Sar, I’m sorry, please don’t cry. I’m sorry. I can get you access tomorrow. There’s enough there you don’t have to worry for a while.”
“I knew…I’d have to ask...if we decided he wasn’t coming back,” I heaved the words out, then took a deep breath. “I didn’t want to face he wasn’t coming back, but I have to now because he would have come back if he could have. So he has to be dead, Danial. He has to be dead.”
“I know,” Danial said softly. “I did everything I could to find him, to find out what happened to him. But the trail ended with Will. There are no leads left to follow.”
“You did your best,” I said, running my fingers through his hair.
He sighed. “I did, because every night since he was taken I have blamed myself for my jealousy. You spoke the truth that I wis
hed somehow he was out of the way so I could be with you.” He laughed wretchedly. “I’ve gone through most of Europe trying to alleviate that guilt.”
I hugged him and didn’t speak.
“It hurts me to know you would never be here like this with me if he was alive,” Danial continued. “It still hurts that you picked him over me. That you decided to die being loyal to him rather than oath to me when I tried to save you from Devlin.”
I went still, anger filling me. Either he was making a point or he wanted to start a fight. I was betting on the former, seeing as we’d just made love.
“Can you forgive me for what happened that night?” he whispered. “Can we start again, you and I?”
“I forgave you,” I said softly, my anger lessening. “You tried everything to stop Devlin, but he was too powerful for you to fight. There wasn’t anything more you could’ve done.”
Danial took my hand. “You know I love you, Sar. You know I want you with me. Will you come and be with me now? Let me help take care of Elle and you?”
“Do you really want to try again, after all that’s happened?” I studied his face. “I’m no closer to handling your immortality than I was six months ago.”
“You need me like you didn’t before,” Danial answered. “Being a parent alone is not the same as being on your own. I was a father once, a good one. Elle doesn’t just need food and shelter, she needs love and guidance.”
“Yes,” I said softly. “I want to try again, but I’m afraid how this will affect her if it doesn’t work out between us.”
“It will work out,” Danial said firmly. “I’m not asking you to oath to me, or to give me any promise. I’m asking you to let me help you raise Theo’s child, to come and live with me until she’s grown.” He kissed me gently. “If you want to, view it as duty. I feel responsible for her. You do not have to share my bed.”